Family Promise of North Fulton/DeKalb is a nonprofit network of interfaith organizations working together to end homelessness, one family at a time.
We provide temporary assistance, hospitality and case management for families with children experiencing homelessness.
We recognize that poverty is a multifaceted problem that requires a multifaceted response. Our interfaith, nonsectarian network brings the faith community together to help our community's families regain housing, independence and dignity in a time of need.
Prince of Peace is a supporting congregation, working with Northminster Presbyterian Church. Three to four times a year, we provide Friday evening meals and Saturday hosting opportunities. Our next scheduled time is
Nov 4 & 5. We are in need of a coordinator from PoP to help coordinate sign ups for our members.
For information about how you can be a part of this very important community ministry, please contact Vicar Deb.