The Barbeque Boys, a ROMEO* group, most of whose members attend PoP, alternates its gatherings on Wednesdays one week and Thursdays the following week. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact John Manstrom below to be notified weekly, by email, on which weekday and at what restaurant the next lunch has been scheduled. Reservations are not necessary.
Food Drive Sundays!
First Sunday Each Month
Remember the first Sunday of each month we ask you to bring in your canned or non-perishable food items to share with our neighbors less fortunate. Please place your donations in the grocery cart (Fellowship Hall).
Items may be brought to the church at any time
Love Casseroles
We are looking for individuals who would like to help continue this important PoP ministry of preparing dinner "love casseroles" to members (families) for days when extra care and support is needed.
If you would like to be on the list to provide meals, please Contact Us!
Good Looking PoP Refrigerator Looking for a Freezer
Can you help the refrigerator in the Fellowship Hall find a freezer to stand by its side? Our refrigerator isn't picky... no specific requirements.... it just needs to work. Are you doing spring cleaning at your house and wondering what to do with an "extra" freezer? We would be grateful to anyone who can help our refrigerator find its "match". If you can help, please contact Linda in the church office.
ELCA World Hunger Donations
Reminder to pick up a World Hunger envelope in the narthex and make a Lenten contribution. To date, we have raised $1,500. Keep up the good work....Let's go for $2,500
Every Wednesday Night starting on March 8 through April 5.
- 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall; bring your own dinner (BYOD) and enjoy fellowship.
- 7:00 pm worship with communion together in the Sanctuary
Theme: "With Awe and Love: A Midweek Service Based on Luther's Small Catechism
March 8 Week of Lent 1 - Ten Commandments
March 15 Week of Lent 2 - Creed
March 22 Week of Lent 3 - Lord's Prayer
March 29 Week of Lent 4 - Baptism
April 05 Week of Lent 5 - Holy Communion
Welcome New Office Manager, Linda Spagnola-Bragg
Prince of Peace is pleased to welcome its new office manager, Linda Spagnola-Bragg, who began on February 15.
Linda brings her talent and enthusiasm to the position as well as a wealth of administrative and fiscal experience and expertise. She is a self-described "people person" who will be a great asset to PoP.
Linda, along with her husband and two sons, reside in Roswell and they are active members of Northminster Presbyterian Church.
Linda is anxious to meet members of the congregation so please feel welcome to come by the office, Monday - Thursday to say hello. We anticipate having Linda worship with us on Sunday, February 26, which will be another opportunity to meet her.
We sincerely thank the volunteers who have been covering the office since the retirement of Marge Higgins. Thank you for a great job!
Call Committee (CC) Update for 2/15/17
CC will be conducting the second-round interviews with the two remaining candidates for the permanent pastor position at PoP between now and early-March. Those discussions will consist of a formal interview with each candidate as well as a separate meeting where CC members will share a meal with each candidate and the candidate's spouse.
We also report that members of CC recently attended services that were led by each of the two final candidates at their respective churches. These "site visits" were intentionally structured for two CC members to attend the services in-person. This approach ensured that CC got multiple "eye witness" perspectives on each candidate's worship and preaching style, while also protecting the candidates' confidentiality. (As a reminder, both of the remaining candidates are currently serving at other churches.) The two CC members who attended the services provided a written summary of their experiences to the entire CC and they will provide more detailed information to CC at our next meeting. Additionally, each candidate has provided access to multiple sermons on video and/or audio tapes for all members of CC to view/hear.
Due to the logistics of coordinating candidate interviews and CC meetings to include the entire CC, as well as the site visits discussed above, it is now anticipated that CC will submit its final recommendation to Council mid- to late-March instead of the late-February target that was communicated previously. CC remains hopeful that the delay in recommending the final candidate to Council will not significantly impact the final completion of the call process.
A reminder that the Call Committee bulletin board located in the Fellowship Hall includes copies of all of the updates on the call process as well as a copy of the Call Process Timeline for your reference. Additionally, a larger, "poster-size" copy of the Call Process Timeline has recently been posted in the narthex.
Teachers Wanted!
Do you have a passion for teaching? Would you like to share some time with our youngest members at PoP? We have an opening for an elementary Sunday school teacher. Class runs from 9:45-10:15 a.m. on Sundays. For more information, please contact Mark Goggans below!
Wednesday Evening Lectionary Study
Wednesday Evening Lectionary Study meets in the fellowship hall starting again on Feb 1. Join us for a bring your own dinner to dinner (BYODTD) at 6:00 p.m. or study at 6:30 p.m.
Need more information? Contact us
The Wednesday morning Lectionary Study has been cancelled due to lack of attendance. Please join the evening study group starting Wednesday, Feb 1.