Amber Nettles is new to the Lutheran Church, having been Methodist her entire life until starting to attend Price of Peace, after searching for a church home in Atlanta for several years. After attending as a visitor for about two years, Amber enjoyed the church and the congregation so much, she joined Price of Peace. Since then, she has become active in several groups and activities at PoP, such as, participating in the quilting group, crocheting baby afghans, making mats for the homeless and providing refreshments for various other events. She has also been a chef for the Taste of Habitat several times. She currently maintains the church calendar on the PoP website. Amber is currently employed as the Information Technology Director for a mid-sized property management company and oversees the software and hardware support for over 600 computers and training for all new employees. She is planning to retire in the next 60 days and hopes to have time to become involved in many of the church ministries and functions that take place during the work day. Amber would like to serve two years to complete an unexpired three-year term.
Neal Ruggles has been attending Prince of Peace with his family for most his life. Starting off as a toddler, to Youth Group, and now to Church council.
Over the years, Neal has volunteered in various ministries and most recently he has been helping with technology in the Church, operating the sound board at late service, and organizing updates for the Church website. He truly loves having such a huge extended family and is looking forward to serving the congregation to further God's will! Neal would like to serve two years to complete an unexpired three-year term.
Cristina Weatherby is a life-long Lutheran who grew up as part of a multicultural and trilingual family, with an Argentine mom and German dad. She moved to Georgia 12 years ago from Ohio. Shortly after moving to the Newtown area, she and her husband Steve, discovered the wonderful church family at Prince of Peace and became members. Since joining, Cristina has devoted time and talent to the congregation by singing with choir, leading hymns and liturgy at traditional worship service, supporting the Worship and Music team, teaching Sunday School, serving on a pastoral internship committee, and helping with other volunteer activities.
Outside of church, Cristina has worked in Accounting and Finance roles for over 20 years. She currently works as a Financial Systems Analyst on a project with both Accounting and IT staff to prepare a major telecommunications provider for compliance with the new Revenue Accounting Standard that takes effect January 2018. Cristina and Steve have 2 sons, ages 9 and (almost) 5 who enjoy participating in the children's activities at Prince of Peace. Outside of church, the boys' activities include Cub Scouts, karate, music, and soccer. Cristina's personal interests include living history and historical impressions, learning to play guitar, cooking, baking, spending time at the beach, and home projects. Cristina would like to serve a three-year term on council.
Dennis Wieckert retired from Ernst & Young and now works part-time as an international tax consultant.
Dennis and his family have been members of PoP for more than 30 years. He currently serves on the audit committees of several Lutheran organizations, and has previously served on the PoP and Synod councils, and the Lutheran Services of Georgia Board. Dennis would like to serve a three-year term on council.