We would like to update the PoP veterans wall (located in Fellowship Hall). We want to be sure we have included everyone who has served.
Please send a Service Photo and the Service Dates to us at: Office1@PoPLutheranChurch.com:
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers – especially if you are creative! – needed for a new program to transform our vision of PoP into reality.
Time commitment: an hour or so a week from September – November.
Please contact Elizabeth Glaser below:
Meet & Greet with Pastor Kevin
Pastor Kevin would like an opportunity to meet, greet, and to get to know YOU! For the next several weeks, he is requesting individuals / families sign up for a date/time to "get to know each other" over breakfast, lunch or dinner.
If time is an issue, schedule a time to stop by the office for a quick "get to know each other" chat.
Contact Us to setup your time!
Sunday School Registration
If you are interested in having your child(ren) attend Sunday School at PoP, please fill out the following registration form and return to the church office.
Forms are also available outside of the Fellowship Hall on campus
Volunteers Wanted: Sunday School Room Spruce Up
We are looking for volunteers to help clean the Sunday School / Preschool Rooms to get them ready for Sunday School. Lots of sorting and reorganizing. If you are interested, contact Linda in the office
PoP Name Badges
To help Pastor Kevin get to know members of the congregation, we will continue to wear name badges on Sunday during worship. At this time, we are working on updating the PoP name badges. Please contact Linda in the office if you can't locate yours.
Name badges are located on the hallway wall in the Sanctuary narthex. Also, please remember to return your name badge after worship. Thanks.
Worship Assistants
Are you available to help?
Each week we have some positions available to assist during service.
If you've done it a thousand times, done it once, or have never done it, you can help!
Contact us and we'll get you all of the information you need
Member Response Requested!
Congregational Advisory Survey
The church Council is asking members to participate in a brief advisory survey in order to help inform the Council’s decision-making on an important issue.
PURPOSE/BACKGROUND The Council would like to know your preference about possible changes in the Sunday worship and Christian Education schedules. As you may recall, at the annual congregational meeting in January, this topic was discussed. The rationale for making a change would be to allow a full hour for Sunday School/Education between the two services thereby enabling the Pastor to participate in this important activity. This concept has the support of the Council and our new Pastor.
PROCEDURE Each member of PoP may vote once in the survey by responding at the link below. The deadline for voting is 8 am on Thursday, July 20. The results will be shared with the congregation.
Any change that is approved will begin on Sunday, August 20, 2017, for a one-year trial period.
Back to School Supply Drive
Madeline Voss, PoP Member, is currently a Program and Development Intern at Children's Restoration Network (CRN) this summer. Currently, CRN is holding a Back to School Supply Drive.
Requested Items:
- New book bags
- 3 ring binders
- Scissors
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Crayons
- Highlighters
- Rulers
- College and wide-ruled paper
- Pens/Pencils
- Folders
- Calculators (especially scientific calculators)
This is list is certainly not all inclusive, and the shelters appreciate any items to help prepare the kids for school and care for them as well. Thank you for any supplies you can donate.
A donation box will be located in the fellowship hall. Items will be collected through Sunday, July 23.
Pastor Debra Jiminez Ordination

July 2nd at PoP was certainly filled with a flurry of emotions. Now Pastor Debra Jiminez was ordained after several years of training with the ELCA's TEEM program!
Bishop James Gonia of the Rocky Mountain Synod, the Synod where Pr. Debra will now be presiding, was in attendance as well as Pastors from throughout the Southeastern Synod.